The last couple of days have been about quantity. Flocks of literally thousands of red-billed queleas sitting in the trees and then rising like a swarm to cast a moving shadow across the sky; dozens and dozens of elephants; an enormous herd of buffalo – quite easily 1000-strong – steadily crossing the road while we waited more than half an hour before we got a gap to move past.
Then, to add a certain amount of quality to the sightings … we found a lioness and her four very young cubs just a short way outside of camp. A wonderful sight!
And, to add a cherry on top, a good old honey badger was spotted tonight patrolling on the outside of the campsite fence. ‘Imagine what chaos he could cause if he got into camp’, I said, looking at some of the caravans with their beautifully laid out tables and chairs and groundsheets and washing lines. Well – next thing we see is good old honey badger trotting along inside the campsite! How he got over the substantial fence only he knows, and he wasn’t saying. Our fridge is inside the van, and our boerewors is safely tucked away in there. And we’ve closed all the windows … just in case!