* Pics of actual plunge to follow
Both Nige and I took the ‘Polar Plunge’ and we both survived! The worst part was walking down the ice cold metal steps to the ‘launch pad’, where Juani (a South African, no less … we felt betrayed!) strapped an even icer-cold (is that a word?) harness to our tender bodies, and then told us to jump. Hang on… first Ross had to clear some ice so that there was a safe space to jump!
Nige went first, with an elegant dive. Then me … ice had moved back in – do I jump in front of the ice or over it? Over … splush! A very quick jump and then back to the ladder. Then (oh, how nice), back up those icy metal steps! The soles of my feet were freezing!
Our certificates state:
Antarctic Polar Plunge. [Desi and Nige] who did most willingly plunge into the spine-chilling, ice-filled waters of Antarctica.
We do solemnly acknowledge this act of indubitable courage (as well as extraordinary, incomparable foolishness). Based on our observance of this act of ‘heroism’ and the Ship Doctor’s confirmation of the said person’s temporary loss of sanity, we consider the bearer of this certificate a key member of the Antarctic Polar Swim Club.