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We’re in the centre of the park now – more grassland, which means even more game plus more predators. We’ve now spotted our fourth leopard, as well as a cheetah, several wild dogs and many many hyena. In fact, a couple of the hyena have been just a little too close for comfort! There are signs in the campsites saying that hyena patrol the fences at night (basically because some idiots feed them). At Balule, a small satellite campsite, we’ve seen this close up. There are hyenas that literally circle the campsite, walking just outside the fence. As we were eating dinner, a couple of rather large hyenas sat down and watched us. It’s rather disconcerting to eat your dinner being watched by two hyenas less than 10 metres away, even if there is a fence between you. Now we were wondering… are they after our dinner, or are WE dinner?

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